Welcome to leafxiashop. Please read our Privacy Policy carefully. This Privacy Policy applies when you visit and surf the United States section of ph-5.com (the "leafxiashop US Site") regardless of whether you purchase products or not, when you register with the ph-5.com US Site, and when you use our services. By using the leafxiashop US Site, you accept the practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not want to accept the practices described in this Privacy Policy, please do not use the leafxiashop US Site. The leafxiashop US Site is operated under license by leafxiashop LLC, a Nevada limited liability company having an address at 5903 West Side Avenue, North Bergen, NJ 07047.


Everyone has the right to the protection of his/her personal data. leafxiashop LLC respect our users' right to be informed about the collection and processing of their personal data. The leafxiashop US Site has been designed in such a way that the use of your personal data will be minimal and will not exceed the original purpose for which your personal data are collected and/or processed. In particular, we do not disclose your identity when the purpose for which your personal data are being processed can be achieved by using anonymous aggregate information. This Privacy Policy is intended to provide you with all the information you need in order to understand our privacy practices.
However, if you have any questions regarding our privacy practices and this Privacy Policy, please contact us at the following e-mail address: privacy@leafxiashop. The leafxiashop US Site is not directed at, nor do we knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13, although we may sell children's products or services for purchase by adults. If you are under 18, you may use the leafxiashop US Site only with the involvement of a parent or guardian. 


For organizational and operational purposes only, leafxiashop LLC has appointed certain entities that will also process personal data of users and customers of the leafxiashop US Site. Such purposes are strictly connected to the performance of services provided on the leafxiashop US Site by leafxiashop LLC, including the sale of products.
The above-mentioned data processors have been chosen by leafxiashop LLC because of their experience in processing personal data, their sufficient guarantees with respect to compliance with applicable laws and regulations as well as the technical security measures adopted by them in connection with the processing of personal data. In processing personal data of the users of the leafxiashop US Site, our processors will act only in accordance with instructions provided by leafxiashop LLC. We regularly verify that our processors comply with our instructions and that they provide sufficient guarantees with respect to their compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The following is a list of the companies primarily involved in the processing of personal data of users and customers of the leafxiashop US Site:

  • United Parcel Service ("UPS"). We provide UPS, by electronic means, with customers' addresses and other personal data for the purpose of shipping, delivering and returning products purchased on the leafxiashop US Site;
  • Bergen Logistics, for purposes of managing shipping on behalf of leafxiashop LLC;
  • and Bigcommerce Inc, for purposes related to the maintenance of the leafxiashop website.

Please contact our Customer Care or send us an e-mail at privacy@leafxiashop if you would like to receive a full list of our data processors.


Your personal data are collected and processed by leafxiashop LLC for purposes which are strictly connected to the use of the leafxiashop US Site, its services and the purchase of products on the leafxiashop US Site. However, your personal data may also be used for other processing operations within the limits of such purposes. In particular, your personal data may be processed for the following purposes:

  • when you register with the leafxiashop US Site we collect your personal data (for example, your personal information, e-mail address, gender) through the relevant registration form (My Account) in order to provide you with services in reserved access areas of the leafxiashop US Site and in order to send you our Newsletter, when specifically requested;
  • when you request Customer Care services, we collect your personal data (for example, your password) for purposes strictly necessary to provide you with customer care services relevant to the US Site and to the purchase of products on the US Site;
  • when you request Customer Service assistance, we collect your personal data (for example, your first and last names, e-mail address and password) for purposes strictly necessary to provide you with Customer Service relevant to the leafxiashop US Site and to the purchase of products on the leafxiashop US Site;
  • when you are executing purchasing procedures for products sold on the ph-5.com US Site, including conclusion of an agreement for the purchase of products, we collect your personal data (for example, personal information, e-mail address, address, Credit Card numbers, bank account number and telephone number) on your order form only for the purpose of selling the products ordered by you;
  • when you request technical assistance, we collect your personal data in order to provide you with information on net-surfing, Internet browsing or viewing and downloading web pages;
  • when creating your Wish List, we process your personal data in order to customize our services for the purchase of products on the leafxiashop US Site.

Your personal data are generally processed by electronic means; however, in certain circumstances, paper-based means may be used (for example, when the processing of your personal data is required for the prevention of fraud against us). Your personal data are stored in a way which allows leafxiashop LLC to identify you for the period that is strictly necessary for the original purposes for which such personal data are collected and subsequently processed, all in accordance with applicable laws.
Please report any changes to your personal data to the e-mail address privacy@leafxiashop in order to ensure that your personal data are always accurate and kept up-to-date.
Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties for purposes not permitted by law or without your explicit consent. Your personal data may only be disclosed to third parties when it is necessary to process an order placed by you. For example, your personal data are disclosed to Bank of America for electronic payment services, through Credit/Debit Cards. Moreover, your personal data may be disclosed to the police or to judicial authorities, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and upon a formal request by such authorities for the purposes of preventing a fraud against us (anti-fraud services). Data processors will also have access to your personal data, as stated in Section 2 of this Privacy Policy, for the specific purposes stated in that Section. In all the above circumstances, your consent for data processing will not be specifically requested.
Your personal data will not be transferred to any countries outside the United States if such countries do not provide for an adequate level of protection of the privacy of individuals. Should the above be necessary in order to supply services to you or to execute contracts for the purchase of products, the transfer of your personal data to any such countries will be carried out only after the execution of specific contracts between leafxiashop LLC and all parties involved, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
We wish to inform you that leafxiashop LLC process users' personal data for purposes that are strictly connected to the supply of services through the leafxiashop US Site, the execution of contracts related to the sale and purchase of products on the leafxiashop US Site and, after receiving your consent, in order to send you information on new commercial initiatives which are strictly related to the leafxiashop US Site's activities and services. leafxiashop LLC process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, including by e-mail, only after receiving your consent.
leafxiashop LLC may have access to third parties' personal data which is directly disclosed by their users to leafxiashop LLC, for instance when the user buys a product to be sent to a friend, when the user who pays the purchase price for a product is different from the recipient of such product, or when a user wishes to recommend to a friend a service provided through the leafxiashop US Site or the sale of a particular product posted on the leafxiashop US Site.
In all cases involving the disclosure of information of a third party, you must obtain the consent of such individuals before disclosing their personal data to leafxiashop LLC and have informed said individuals about this Privacy Policy. You will be the only person liable in connection with the disclosure of information and data relevant to such third parties and with any other incompatible and unlawful use of such data if they have not provided you with their consent. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold each of leafxiashop LLC harmless from any liability, claims and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising from or related to any unauthorized disclosure of personally identifiable information of third parties. 


The personal data we request you to provide to leafxiashop LLC, including your e-mail address, your address, your Credit/Debit Card numbers, bank account number and your telephone number, is necessary for the processing of your order for the purchase of products on the leafxiashop US Site, to supply other services provided on the leafxiashop US Site upon your request, or to carry out obligations arising out of applicable laws and regulations.
Your refusal to provide certain personal data to leafxiashop LLC may prevent leafxiashop LLC from processing your order for the purchase of products sold on the leafxiashop US Site or from providing other services through the leafxiashop US Site, such as Customer Services, sending the Newsletter, use of the Wish List, recommending a product to a friend.
Your failure to provide personal data to leafxiashop LLC may prevent the processing of your order for the purchase of products sold or to provide services through the leafxiashop US Site. 
The disclosure of personal data to leafxiashop LLC other than that required in order to fulfill legal or contractual obligations or to provide the services requested by you is optional and does not have any effect on the use of the leafxiashop US Site and its services or on the purchase of products on the leafxiashop US Site. We will inform you if the personal data we ask you to provide is necessary or optional by marking with an asterisk (*) the information that is necessary. Your failure to disclose optional personal data will not pose any obligation or disadvantage to you, except to the extent that we may no be able to offer you some of our optional, personalized features of the leafxiashop US Site. 


Your personal data may be disclosed to third parties who provide specific services as Data Processors on behalf of leafxiashop LLC or who autonomously process personal data collected by leafxiashop LLC in connection with the performance of a contract for the purchase of products on the leafxiashop US Site (for example, Bank of America). 
Any such disclosure will be conducted, in each instance, without exceeding the original purposes for which your personal data were collected and subsequently processed. In addition, your personal data may be disclosed to third parties in order to (1) comply with applicable laws, (2) respond to governmental and judiciary inquiries, (3) comply with valid legal process, and (4) protect the rights or property of leafxiashop LLC. 
Any third party information disclosed to leafxiashop LLC in accordance with this Privacy Policy will not be used for any purpose other than as required to technically operate the service, to complete a transaction, or as otherwise required by law. 
In the event there is a change in the corporate structure of leafxiashop LLC including, without limitation, by merger, consolidation, sale, liquidation, or transfer of substantial assets, leafxiashop LLC may, in their sole discretion, transfer, sell or assign personal data collected on and through the leafxiashop US Site, including, without limitation, personally identifiable information and aggregate information concerning users and customers, to one or more affiliated or unaffiliated third parties. 
In any event, your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties without you being informed or without your consent, when such consent is required by law. 


When you are using the leafxiashop US Site, some personal data may be collected automatically through so-called "cookies". A cookie is a device transmitted to the hard drive of an Internet user. While cookies do not contain intelligible information, they allow us to link an Internet user to personal information provided by such user through the leafxiashop US Site. leafxiashop LLC process information collected by cookies in a collective and anonymous way, in order to optimize our services and the leafxiashop US Site for the needs and preferences of its users. We use cookies to collect users' IP addresses and other information regarding users' data traffic or preferences in the choice of services provided and products purchased through the leafxiashop US Site.
We disseminate cookies in connection with functions such as browsing the catalogue, purchasing products on-line and supplying "My Account" services.
As you may know, each Internet browser allows the deletion of cookies after each session. Your Internet browser contains instructions on how to carry out these procedures of deletion. Please access the appropriate instructions section on your Internet browser if you wish to delete cookies. 
Your acceptance of our automatic procedures of collection of data and the use of cookies is necessary to take advantage of many features and services offered by the leafxiashop US Site, including the purchase of products. If you set your browser to block or delete cookies, we cannot guarantee that you will have access to all the features and services offered by the US Site (for example, your computer may not be able to display the image of the product you are in the process of purchasing).
Other Methods of Collecting User Information. 
leafxiashop LLC directly collect personal data and information from users when they register on-line with the leafxiashop US Site or when they send purchase orders for products sold on the leafxiashop US Site in order to finalize their transactions.


We have adopted security measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access and against other unlawful forms of data processing, as provided in our Privacy Policy. 
Nevertheless, leafxiashop LLC cannot guarantee that the security measures adopted for the protection of the leafxiashop US Site and the transmission of data and information through the leafxiashop US Site will prevent or exclude any risk of unauthorized access to or loss of data. It is advisable that your computer be equipped with software devices for the protection of network data transmission and receipt (such as, updated antivirus systems) and that your Internet service provider take appropriate measures for the security of network data transmission (such as, firewalls and anti-spam filtering). 


Advertising material and direct marketing or other commercial communications which are not specifically requested by you or necessary to provide a service you requested, including the purchase of products on the US Site, will be sent to you only after we receive your consent. Please note that each time your consent is required, we will inform you in advance and we will give you the option to either provide or refuse your consent by selecting the appropriate box.
leafxiashop LLC may process your personal data without your consent when such processing is necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations or to provide you with services you requested, including the purchase of products on the US Site.
Even when your prior consent is not necessary, you may exercise, at any time, your right not to receive future communications regarding services you requested, such as the Newsletter.


You are entitled to obtain, at any time, confirmation from leafxiashop LLC as to whether or not data relating to you is being processed, even if not yet registered, and the communication of any such data in an intelligible form. 
Moreover, you are entitled to receive from leafxiashop LLC information on the source from which we received your personal data; the purposes and means of processing your personal data; the logic involved in any electronic data processing; information regarding the data controller and the data processors and the names of subjects and categories of subjects to whom your personal data may be disclosed or who may access your personal data (for example, the names of data processors). You can also find the above information in our Privacy Policy. 
You are entitled to obtain at any time from leafxiashop LLC:

  1. a. the updating, rectification or integration of your personal data;
  2. b. the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of your personal data, which are processed in violation of the law, including when the storage of data is not necessary for the purposes for which it has been collected and subsequently processed;
  3. c. the confirmation that the operations under letters a) and b) have been reported to whom the data were disclosed or disseminated, except when it becomes impossible to do so or if it means exceeding the protection of the right you are claiming.

You are entitled to object, in all or in part:

  1. a. for legitimate reasons, to the processing of your personal data, even if it is related to the purposes for which it was collected;
  2. b. to the processing of your personal data for advertising or direct marketing purposes or in order to carry out marketing research or commercial communications.

You may freely and at any time exercise your rights, provided that you do so in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, by sending your request to leafxiashop LLC at the following e-mail address: privacy@leafxiashop.


The leafxiashop US Site may provide hyperlinks to third party websites (the "Third Party Websites"). leafxiashop LLC do not operate, control, endorse or guarantee any Third Party Websites. You agree that leafxiashop LLC are not responsible for any content, services and/or products provided by any Third Party Website, nor are leafxiashop LLC responsible for any practice followed by such Third Party Website with respect to the collection and processing of personal data of their users. When you access any Third Party Website through a hyperlink posted on the leafxiashop US Site, please carefully read the Privacy Policy and other policies of such Third Party Website.
Our Privacy Policy and other policies do not apply to any Third Party Website. leafxiashop LLC provides hyperlinks to Third Party Websites only for the convenience of our users. By providing hyperlinks to Third Party Websites, leafxiashop LLC does not recommend that users access such Third Party Websites.


If you wish to receive further information regarding our privacy practices, please contact us at the following e-mail address: privacy@leafxiashop.


The processing of personal data by leafxiashop LLC will be conducted in compliance with applicable US laws. 


leafxiashop LLC may amend or update from time to time all or any part of this Privacy Policy, whether or not required by a change in the applicable laws and regulation. Our users will be notified of any amendment to or update of our Privacy Policy on our homepage. All amendments and updates will become effective upon publication on this section of the leafxiashop US Site. You should regularly access this section of the leafxiashop US Site in order to review the most recent and updated version of our Privacy Policy.

We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. Read about how we use cookies in our Privacy Policy. By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies.
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